Improper Waste Management Leading to Climate Change

Buy, buy, says the sign in the shop window
Why, why? says the junk in the yard.

Sir Paul McCartney

Introduction to climate change

Climate change, or any kind of change really, is inevitable. Good changes are things we do as tiny acts, they’re long-term and they lead us far into the future. Drastic changes are rarely good, they often hurt us, cause us trauma and make our future unsustainable.

“Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. These shifts may be natural, such as through variations in the solar cycle. But since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of climate change.” –

We humans have caused our Mother Earth trauma. We’ve accelerated her healthy-natural order of change to an insane-drastic order and as a result, our future is now in danger.

Causes and Consequences

Every second, 1000 metric tons of Greenhouse Gases are being pumped into the atmosphere. World average per capita Carbon Footprint was 6.3 tCO2e in 2020. That’s a very sad state of affairs. For those people who are not familiar with the terms such as, ‘Greenhouse Gases’ and ‘Carbon Footprint’, please hold on, I’ll explain everything in detail.

The cause of ‘Climate Change’ are greenhouse gases. These gases, due to their molecular structure, absorb energy/heat, they trap the heat of the Sun inside our atmosphere. The immediate outcome of this heat-trapping is Global Warming but that’s just the tip of the iceberg because our Mother Earth is One. She’s here, there, everywhere and everything is connected.

“The consequences of climate change now include, among others, intense droughts, water scarcity, severe fires, rising sea levels, flooding, melting polar ice, catastrophic storms and declining biodiversity.”–

Carbon Footprint is the measure of Greenhouse Gases pumped into the atmosphere by the actions of an individual, organization or a committee. 6.3 tCO2e per capita means that on average, one person is emitting 6.3 tons of Greenhouse Gases into the atmosphere per year. To put things in perspective, let me state that this value is more than 150 times higher than it was in 1850.

99% of this pollution is C02, and the other 1% is almost entirely Methane. Many of us know, how important the reduction of CO2 is because it can linger in the environment for a long time. But, what few of us know is that the 1% Methane can cause more Global Warming over the next 10 years than all that C02 in our atmosphere.

What can we do?

We can minimize this pollution right now from the comfort of our homes without paying a penny, on the contrary, we’ll actually receive incentives while we do it.

Improper waste management: When waste is not disposed of properly, it not only takes up valuable space, but it also releases harmful chemicals into the environment. Landfills, for instance, emit methane. The largest landfill in the world has 50 Million tons of WASTE.

Improper disposal of plastic and other synthetic materials, such as littering and dumping into the ocean, is especially dangerous. These materials do not biodegrade, but instead break down into smaller and smaller pieces, contaminating the soil and water and causing harm to wildlife.

“Waste is a big problem”. But, it’s all about perspective. Where some see problems, some see solutions. We, the people, have to come up with affordable and effective strategies to manage this waste. The least we all can do is choosing sustainable options, like recycling, reusing and reducing the consumption.

Final Say

The impact of improper waste management on the climate change cannot be overstated. It is a global problem that requires a global solution, and we all have a role to play in resolving it. Whether it’s through reusing our waste, properly disposing of what we do generate, or advocating affordable policies for stronger waste management, we all have the power to make a positive difference.

Let’s change the world for the better with one small-green choice at a time. Let’s work together to create a cleaner, greener future for ourselves and for generations to come.

© M. Jay Dixit, September heart-to-hearts, 2023 All Rights Reserved

Dear readers and fellow bloggers, I wrote this article for a waste-management startup company. I researched the topic for 3-4 hours and then it took me around 3 hours till I came up with this final draft. Yesterday they rejected me. So, I thought I should post it here and get your feedback, what went wrong? Any kind of feedback would be appreciated.

I posted this article in LinkedIn first, I am trying to make a good network over there, but LinkedIn community is not friendly like this one, so, dear reader, you’ll be doing me a huge favor if you go there and like/share/comment on this post!

Here is the LinkedIn link for this article: LINK

Dear Reader, I invite you to listen a poem about Sustainability: a conversation between a kid and his father.

Blogging on LinkedIn

Life Update: With blind luck, I landed an interview in a Health & Fitness app startup company, they needed a creative writer and a blogger, so I applied. After 3 interviews and a task they’ve shortlisted me for the final task which they’ll give tomorrow. Now, I thought to myself, what if, I sent my task to the CEO of the startup directly?

The CEO is also the same age as me and I’ve checked his social media out (it’s not stalking if the profiles are public!) he seems like a decent fella. So, after reviving my profile on LinkedIn, uploading my samples, writing a post, I am finally ready to send him a request and if he accepts it, then, I’ll send him my task.

In past couple of days, I’ve learned about blogging more than I’ve learned since I started blogging in 2020. Pooja’s website was a big help. She really gets it. She knows how it is for people like me, total noobs, to steer through the jungle of SEO and Meta Tags and Keyword Density and Site Audit and BLAH BLAH BLAH!

She’s doing god’s work, people. Go there and learn. Her posts are like gateways to this complex maze.

What I also learnt was that LinkedIn itself, provides bloggers like us, the connections with potential employers and clients. So, check that out too, if you’re interested in learning more.

I am new to this LinkedIn stuff, so if any of you guys can clue me in and give me suggestions please do. I would really appreciate it. Also, please check out my first LinkedIn post. It’s a modified, updated and crispier version of an old post of mine, Advice for Students on How to Stop Procrastination, those of you who read it, you really motivated me to write more like that. So, today, I’ve done it. I would always be thankful to this community for the spark it gave me, love you guys!

My LinkedIn Profile:

Freelance Work

Hello dear readers and fellow bloggers, I have decided to try my hand at freelancing. Till now I didn’t have the time to freelance since I was focused on Mechanical Engineering, but now since I’ve decided to pursue my career in teaching, I have free time at my hand. Here I am sharing my ad, please feel free to give me tips on how to improve it (something I should add, subtract or is the price too high? too low?) as this is my first time posting an ad for anything ever! haha. Also, if you or someone you know wants to have a creative writing piece tailored to their needs, you can get in touch with me, I’ll be honored.

Here are the links to my ads: LINK 1 LINK 2

Crows Calling at Night

Widow cries salty tears on her pillow
as rain falls in the ghost town.
She hears the cawing of the crows,
caw-caw, the reminder of his doom.
The lonely room echoes with melancholic sounds--
weeping, raining and crows calling at night.
Sorrowfully--she thinks of his handsome face
but neither sleep nor any respite comes.

The form loosely resembles Chinese LUSHI style:

  • eight lines long of couplets – The first couplet should set-up the poem; the middle two couplets develop the theme, the final couple is conclusion
  • each line must have the same number of words, either 5,6, or 7.
  • a mono-rhyme is on every even numbered line
  • Caesura (a pause) should separate clauses.

Inspired by Crows Calling at Night by Li bai:

Yellow clouds beside the walls; crows roosting near.
Flying back, they caw, caw; calling in the boughs.
In the loom she weaves brocade, the Qin river girl.
Made of emerald yarn like mist, the window hides her words.
She stops the shuttle, sorrowful, and thinks of the distant man.
She stays alone in the lonely room, her tears just like the rain.



Flash Fiction: Beating Writer’s Block

And bring no book, for this one day

We’ll give to idleness.

William Wordsworth

These days, James is going through a writer’s block. To end his misery he’s reading lots of books that could maybe spark his imagination. But after two weeks of reading books 8-10 hours a day, he’s fed up with it. Fed up of waking everyday with not one good sentence in mind.

He calls up his younger brother with whom he loves to shoot the shit while listening to some old rock in his big music system.

“Hey bro, wanna hangout this weekend?”

“Still not able to write anything, huh?”

“Yeah, but I’m not quitting. I’ll beat this thing, you know me.”

“Okay, you can come over Sunday and bring no book, for this one day we’ll give to idleness and the power of music. Who knows, maybe some Beatles and Rolling Stones will get your creative juices flowing.”

“I hope so too, bro.”

[ 144 words ]

© M. Jay Dixit, September heart-to-hearts, 2022 All Rights Reserved

Posted over at dverse

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Take care 


When I was little

My mum told me
that if I should see
a helicopter seed
I must make a wish on it
and it’ll come true.

Now I am older
and I know
that you reap
sweet fruits
if you sow
your seeds with
your mothers’ wisdom.

44 words.

posted over at dverse: Quadrille #127: Planting Seeds


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As if on cue

Shades of sunset on my window pane,
chirping birds are perched on the sill,
outside is still: Windless hot dusk.
I am sitting at my desk by the window,
watching tangerine clouds towering the neighborhood
and dripping wet clothes hanging on clothesline.

~As if on cue~

Here comes the faint sound of police siren
and the 6’o clock curfew warnings made on megaphone.
Sunset shades have faded from my window pane
and all the birds have flown.
Tangerine clouds have turned dull grey
and the wet clothes have stopped dripping.

Form used: puente


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Sunday Rainbow

When you come around
the rain bows down.
When you fall around
trees and lands and minds
like a bow bridging
heaven and humankind,
even the reigning sunshine
relatively feels jaded.
No one knows
from where you begin
or where you end.
No one really knows
where you come from
or where you go.
But please don’t leave me
when I get old,
you’re so refreshing
so sweet and cold
Sunday Rainbow.
wherever you go,
shooting colours
everywhere you go,
like arrows from a bow.
I’ll miss you to death
if you ever left
Sunday Rainbow.
Like love you’re undying
unlike us; who are dying all the time.
My mind leaps up when you come around
and ends up in a realm beyond
and like Lazarus
I’m reborn.

A/N: In this poem, the muse of an artist is metaphorized as Sunday Rainbow. The poet holds his art of writing poetry very dearly and deems it as a rare thing, he also hopes he won’t lose it as time goes by.

Posted over at dverse: Poetics: Build a Bridge

~Mrityunjay Dixit

Breaking The Illusion of Happiness (a sonnet)

I look behind the wall of illusion
At you all lost and death-fearing souls
Your breathing impaired by hurt emotions
And your minds tainted by your tyrant’s goals.

You’re enslaved by your perverted free will
Committed to do the deeds you regret
As you abandon the things that really fill
Your hearts with love and your minds with right rest.

When you will break the wall and look within
You will see there’s a world where souls are free
Where you’re free to change the flow of living
And to share your love like air from a tree.

You’ll find peace like calm that sets after rain
A reparation, A way, give any name.

~Mrityunjay Dixit

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