Hot like Fire

She’s hot like fire—
“Start me up”, her body flirts
as she stands, idle—

—in the new year Sun
which has dawned early with a
dab of Spring on it.

I give in to lust,
She starts just after first kick—
shameless, mean machine!

44 Words and a series of three 5-7-5 haiku

I love to ride!

Posted over at dverse

M. Jay Dixit, 2021.

Song: For the One

Dear reader, I invite you to listen me sing ‘For The One’, a romantic and inspiring poem. Its alternate title is ‘Abyss or A Bisque Carpet?’

You’re the one
who helped me
when I was young
and couldn’t see
the light.

When I was young
and couldn’t stand
on my feet,
you helped me

how to walk
over the land
and be free as a bird
in the sky.

When I’m older
and grown,
we’ll be together,

We would be warm
under the sun
taking a chance
on a bisque carpet
holding our lights
for those in abyss
and let them shine on

As our lives
will unfetter
once again,
we’ll be free
like a bird
in the sky
and shine
like the sun
over the land.

© M. Jay Dixit, September heart-to-hearts, 2021 All Rights Reserved

Bisque: It’s the color of the carpet in my bedroom, where I wrote this poem. It also means an extra turn or stroke allowed to a weaker player in croquet. A fine word isn’t it? 👌 

Posted over at dverse: Middles & Turns Prompt: To write a poem with turns. Peter explains it beautifully–

Sometimes they come when you’re lulled into a sense of knowing where a poem is going – and then ‘bam’ you’re hit by a powerful shift to what the poem is really about.  Sometimes it’s comforting or leads to an answer to the poem’s problem. 

I am still at the beginning phase of learning to play guitar. So my tune composing skills are nonexistent haha If you, dear reader, know songwriting please feel free to contact me. We can collaborate! and make this song even better. The tune I came up with was inspired by the song: Starting Over by John Lennon.

Lots of love and take care! ❤

The fuck am I gonna do?

Just let go, enjoy
the tune, play
tennis in your room.

The unknown
light that you’re afraid of
will begin
to seep in
through the glass wall

and when that happens,
just cock back and break
that glass wall
with your courageous

© M. Jay Dixit, September heart-to-hearts, 2021 All Rights Reserved

Inspired by my poet-blogger and penfriend– Cindy from Unique Times Her posts and conversations are full of wisdom. A particular advice of hers which prompted me to write this poem is: ‘Just let go and enjoy the tune

Posted over at dverse: Quadrille #122 Prompt: To write a poem of exactly 44 words with some form of the word go in it.

Dear reader, I urge you to listen this song if you haven’t already.

Take care, ❤

Capsized World


Gobblers & Masticadores

 by M. Jay Dixit /
 Living awfully in a capsized world
 of lizards on ceiling.
 The truth is deceiving,
 meaning it's biased
 like the media is biased
 and demeaning.
 Living awfully in a capsized world
 of lizards on ceiling
 watching everything
 that goes on in
 and out of our house.
 Living awfully in a capsized world
 Of lizards on ceiling
 on top of us
 scared of us
 making any fuss
 so they stay alert
 and watch us
 and kill bugs
 who make fuss
 and eat them later
 or lizards will get thinner
 and fall from ceiling
 and crash on the floor
 and die.

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Field of Wheat

Autumn wheat ripening in the Sun–
thousand stalks
of wild wheat whisper
secrets of nature,
thousand waves of wheat
ripple like liquid gold
in an august afternoon,
as an easy wind sways you
singing a lazy song.

You’re equivocal.

A hungry artist sees,
believes and draws you.
Focusing on details
trying to interpret the truth.

A heartsick man sees you
and is reminded of his beloved’s
golden hair.

Lovers hand-in-hand
lay in your embrace
and share a warm hug
under the autumn sun.

A sweating farmer
halts his hard labor
to take a breather
and looks around at you
with endless love and joy.

I stop by
to look at you
on the way to my home,
the sun blushes
turning a slow deep red
and then falls into you
So lovely, radiant and sweet.

© dixitmrityunjay, 2020. September heart-to-hearts.

The poem was inspired by the dverse prompt: Waiting on Wheat

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Tendon: A rhyming nonsense?

Oh, Tendon
Like in garden
of Eden
Eve never abandons
Adam. And the Sun
seldom leaves its handsome
heat in summer season.
And like Cotton
holds oil in lantern.
And how the atom
never leaves
quantum dimension.
Oh and also like
that golden
glow which never abandons
the horizon
when the sun sets or rise. And
how Eminem

seldom leaves his mansion.
And autumn

wind never leaves
without coloring leaves
with its chilly passion
making you ache
deep in your bones.
In the same fashion,
your strong tendons
hold and connect
your muscles to bones
never abandoning
never leaving.


Haibun Prose: To be a Rose

Alive and burning
Inside scarlet rose petals
A secret furnace

I bloomed triumphantly, beneath dim-amber skies, in the dawn of this world’s first day. The Sun rose, the sunlight falling upon the field, a weight of gold. I’ve travelled around the world, opened my heart, shouted in the Sun to everything that’s alive. They smelled my fragrance and rejoiced. I’ve felt love; red, hot and vivid, the smell of lovers as they laid upon the field. Melancholy; white, the rain washed me away, as I laid upon the grave.

a sky of billion stars, flickers-flickers;
in the night of this world’s last day,
a field of billion roses, flickers-flickers.

© dixitmrityunjay, 2020. September heart-to-hearts.

The featured image is taken from here


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Chilling Whispers

I went out to the hazel wood,
Because a fire was in my head.

The Song of Wandering Aengus, W. B. Yeats

Butcher Bob’s confession:-

I ran into her in the alley, I remember her young face but can’t recall her name. It’s like this with most of them. I was using crutches and I asked her to help me carry the briefcase out of my car, which she did, when we reached the car, I knocked her unconscious with crowbar. Then I placed her in the shotgun seat and went straight to my chopping blocks in the hazel wood.

I went out to the hazel wood because a fire was in my head. A burning sensation, hot and vivid. When I completely submitted to that fire, it was like I was reborn, a phoenix from the flames. But only for a moment. Because, the ingredients for ignition of the next fire were always present in the ashes, and the burning inside my head began again.

144 words.

© M. Jay Dixit, September heart-to-hearts, 2021 All Rights Reserved

Inspired by the dverse prompt: Prosery, The Song of Wandering Aengus and posted over at Open Link Night #284

Poem: About her

it’s that time of the season
I see her everywhere
she’s wild
and oh so beautiful
but the season’ll end
like it always does
and once again
I’ll forget her name.

© M. Jay Dixit, September heart-to-hearts, 2020

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