Haibun: Change of Times

As I sit here in the shade of a tree which is full of green leaves, I remember the time when it was bare and I had friends with me, we had started a fire to keep us warm as we talked about things. Now, there’s no winter left in this place, it’s empty and green. 

The stupid greenery is everywhere, bright enough to make you blind and the hot wind burns the skin. Like the winter, my friends are also distant, I long for both. 

I found a flower in the Spring, its softness and sweetness are to die for. It’s a beautiful distraction from all the sadness that envelopes me and I will try to protect and preserve it against the change of times. 

Summer Sun burns bright 
Lovers in the tree shade kiss 
Winter forgotten

© M. Jay Dixit, September heart-to-hearts, 2024 All Rights Reserved

Posted over at dverse

6 thoughts on “Haibun: Change of Times

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    1. At the beginning of season around feb. the greenery and spring feels good but these days when temp. touches 45 C we don’t love Summer anymore and want the rain to come asap.


  1. While we are longing for summer, you are longing for winter, Jay, but I can understand it when it is as hot as forty five degrees! I couldn’t cope with that kind of heat. I love green leaves and their shade in the summer, but I also like to see the shape of tree trunks and branches. This sentence is poignant: ‘Like the winter, my friends are also distant, I long for both’.

    Liked by 1 person

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